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January 15, 2009

Visa International Growth

In 1977 MasterCard held 60 percent of the bankcard business, compared with 40 percent for Visa. By 1983 those percentages were reversed, making Visa the leading U.S. credit card.

Credit-card use expanded dramatically in the 1980s, and Visa continued to dominate the market. Visa had 56 million cardholders worldwide in 1979, but that figure rose to 220 million ten years later.

Credit-card use continued to grow in the 1990s as businesses ranging from supermarkets to health care providers began accepting payment with cards. Visa also offered premiums, such as airline discounts, for using its card.

The number of Visa cards worldwide increased from 255 million in 1990 to more than one billion in 2000. The company’s revenues grew from $720 million in 1990 to $1.8 billion in 2000.Of the more than $1.6 trillion in credit-card transactions worldwide in 1996, 55.8 percent used a Visa card, making it the worldwide leader in the credit-card industry.

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